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Board Committees & Members

The Orland School District 135 Board of Education has three Board Advisory Committees that are made up of parents, staff, administrators, community members and board members. The Committees assist in gathering information and feedback from the community to guide Board decision-making.  

The three Board Advisory Committees are:

  • School Community & Policy

  • Finance/Operations

  • Teaching & Learning/Technology

Below is a description of the process used to select individuals to serve on each committee:

1. A blind screen of the applications completed by assigning a unique number to each applicant.

2. Application responses identified by the unique number are scored by 1 Board member, 1 parent, 1 certified staff member and 1 administrator; the four scores are added together to determine a total score.

3. For each committee, the total score for each unique number will be sorted from highest to lowest and based on the applicant’s priority of serving on the committee.

4. The final step includes ensuring committee representation of various stakeholders (parent, community, and staff) from each boundary area of Orland.

5. Notifications are sent via email to all applicants to let them know if they are or are not selected to serve on a committee.

6. The data from this process will remain on file in the event an alternate is needed to serve on a committee.


The Board appreciates all interested parties for taking the time to complete the application and for their interest in serving Orland 135.


Board Advisory Committee

Board Chairpersons




James Bax

Alan Kastengren

Scott Beranek

Brian Horn

Ted Schulz

Sean Cobbs

Lauren Kosrow

Amanda Kuzminski

Lindsie Fransen

Noor Nahhas

Sarah Brown

School Community & Policy

Nichole Browner

Jennifer Tutor


Heather Conrad

Allison Kaleta

Jordan McCollom

Suzanne Owens

Dan Prorok

Nader Alghoul

Rama Atieh

Bonnie Dziadkowiec

Heidi Lapka

Kathy Quilty

Debra Tomlinson

Danisha Hall

Teaching & Learning

Elizabeth Jobb 

Patti Thanos

Jenn Nichols

Chris Bohula

Bryanna Agudelo


Mary Chamberlain

Caitlin Zintak

Daniel Finlayson

Rosa Toubal

Asad Kausar

Kerianne McShane

Gabi Whitehead

Katrina Wozniak


Board Delegates/Liaisons

Safe Schools

Jennifer Tutor

District 230

Patti Thanos

Orland Township

Alan Kastengren

Village of Orland Park

James Bax


Nichole Browner


Elizabeth Jobb

Linda Peckham-Dodge

Parents for Education (PFE)

Nichole Browner

Linda Peckham-Dodge

School Ambassadors

  • Centennial: Patti Thanos
  • Center: Linda Peckham-Dodge
  • Century Jr. High: Alan Kastengren, Patti Thanos
  • High Point: Elizabeth Jobb
  • Jerling Jr. High: Elizabeth Jobb & James Bax
  • Liberty: Alan Kastengren
  • Meadow Ridge: James Bax
  • Orland Jr. High: Jennifer Tutor & Nichole Browner
  • Park: Jennifer Tutor
  • Prairie: Nichole Browner