Enrichment and Honors Identification Process and Programs
Identification Process
Orland School District 135 uses multiple assessments as well as a checklist of observed behaviors to identify students who qualify for enrichment, honors, and high math programming.
It is extremely important to note that one assessment or data point does not determine qualification for any programming in Orland School District 135. Administrators and teachers examine student data from formal assessments of ability and achievement as well as teacher observation data.
Tools used for student identification:
NWEA-MAP Assessments
Administered three times per year (fall, winter, spring) to all students in grade K-8
It is important to note that NWEA-MAP is District 135’s mandated universal screener. To move forward in the identification process, a student must demonstrate appropriate academic achievement in relation to grade level peers on this screening assessment.
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAt) Screener
Administered during the school year to 2nd and 5th graders and other students as needed.
Teacher Checklist of Observed Behaviors (ELA & Math)
Completed for each student who shows high academic achievement and/or ability through the above assessments
Local norms have been created for this checklist so that we know which students exhibit academic behaviors far above those of grade level peers.
Report Card Grades for ELA & Math)
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) Assessments in English/Language Arts and Mathematics
Administered to all students in grades 3-8 in spring of each school year
By using this variety of tools to identify students for enrichment and honors programming, we examine each student’s academic achievement (NWEA-MAP and IAR), ability (CogAt), and observed academic behaviors in the school setting (Teacher Checklist and grades). This allows us to triangulate the data and look at student characteristics through multiple lenses.
Students may be identified for:
- Enrichment Reading (3rd-5th Grade): Pull out literacy activities to enhance and enrich learning standards and opportunities
- High Math (3rd-5th): differentiated math programming which takes place in a self-contained regular education class. Students identified for this class are grouped based on their need for a deeper exploartion of grade level standards. High math classes do not skip grade level standards. Discussions regarding high math placement should be had with the building principal.
- Self-Contained Enrichment (3rd-5th): Students who typically perform at the highest level are grouped into one classroom. This is a District program and there is one 3rd, one 4th, and one 5th grade classroom.
- ELA/Social Studies Honors: Grades 6th-8th
- Math/Scinece Honors: Grades 6th-8th