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8th Grade Device Purchase

8th Grade Device Purchase Option

8th Grade Students will have the opportunity to keep/purchase their device at the end of the school year provided they have NO OUTSTANDING FEES and complete the required steps prior to May 2, 2025. This is a firm deadline and will NOT be extended.


Students eligible to KEEP their device (Zero Cost Purchase)

8th Grade students that attended Orland School District for at least 4 years are eligible to KEEP their district issued device at no cost provided they have NO OUTSTANDING FEES and all steps are completed by May 2, 2025Click here for full terms and required process.


Students eligible to PURCHASE their device

8th grade students that did NOT attend Orland School District for all grades 5th-8th are eligible to PURCHASE their district issued device provided they have NO OUTSTANDING FEES and all steps are completed by May 2, 2025.  Click here for cost, full terms and required process.