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New D135 Families

Welcome to Orland School District 135

New Student Registration

The steps required to complete registration before a student can be placed into a classroom.

  1. Complete Online Registration using this link.
  2. Submit your proof of residency here.  When requested, use 9999 as your temporary family number.  Registration will not be approved until this process is completed.  Check here for procedures and requirements for submitting residency.
  3. Please provide the Illinois State Transfer Slip from your child's previous school signed by the principal.  If you are transferring in from out of state or a private school, you must provide your complete previous year report card showing all 4 quarters or all 3 trimesters.  In addition, please provide any standardized test scores or any special reports (IEP, 504, or health plan) if applicable. (Not needed for Kindergarten Students)
  4. Once the district processes the above items, you will receive an email when your child is accepted.  You will also receive your new Skyward login and password.  Once you receive this, log in to submit registration fees online. (Payments are not accepted in school.)
  5. Please obtain copies of your student's health file from the previous school.  If your child is an incoming 2nd grader, they will need a new Illinois dental exam.  If your child is entering 6th grade, they will need a new Illinois physical and dental exam. Click here for the dental and physical forms. 

Online Registration

**It is recommended to complete this process on a computer rather than a mobile device. 

1. Click on the link below to request an account.

Link to Skyward for new Families


2. You will receive an email with a link to the registration site.  Use this link to complete the online registration.

3. Your application will be evaluated and you will be notified when your application is accepted.  In the notification, you will be provided a login and temporary password for Skyward Family Access.  Use these to complete the registration process and submit registration fees.


Need Help?

Contact your child's new school directly.  Contact information can be found here.