Notice of Destruction of Records
August 2024 -Notice is hereby given that Orland School District 135 intends to destroy the temporary records of all students who exited its special education program either by moving, graduating, or being dismissed from the program: Former/Current students born in 2000-2005.
In accordance with federal and state laws, special education records are maintained for a minimum of five years after the student exits the special education program. A permanent record of the student’s name, address, phone number, grades, attendance record and year completed is maintained in perpetuity. Please note that the records for students who transferred on to high school following their successful completion of eighth grade are currently maintained by
the high school districts. District 135 does not possess the original records. A copy of the student’s last IEP and case study evaluation are maintained by District 135.
Any parent/guardian of a student under the age of 18, or former student who has reached 18 years of age, may review and/or receive these records by contacting Orland School District 135, Attn: Special Education Department, 15100 S 94th Ave, Orland Park.
Requests must be received by August 14, 2024. Destruction of these records will begin on August 21, 2024.
If no student, parent or guardian responds to this public notice, the school district will assume consent to destroy the entire record specific to the student on or immediately after August 21, 2024.
*If you do not understand this notice or are in need of interpretation, please contact the district at (708) 364-3300 and request the special education department.