Occupational & Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy (OT) & Physical Therapy (PT)
Occupational therapists work with students who are eligible for special education and have been identified with visual motor, fine motor, postural and/or motor needs, self-care and sensory processing deficits that significantly impact the student's ability to participate in their educational program.
Physical therapists work with students who are eligible for special education and have been identified with gross motor, functional mobility, strength/endurance, postural and/or positioning needs that significantly impact the students' ability to participate in their educational program.
Services are provided in the student's most natural and least restrictive environment. Services are delivered using a direct and consultation model. Consultation and collaboration with the educational team are an essential component of services to assure that the recommended interventions are implemented on a daily basis.
School based OT and PT services are not intended to take the place of clinical therapy. Medical diagnoses or medical issues that do not interfere with a student's ability to access or participate in his/her educational program are not the focus of school therapy services.
OT & PT Resources:
American Occupational Therapy Association