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Back to School 24-25

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

The first day of school is just a few weeks away and we know that families are preparing their child to start another successful school year! Leading up to August 21st, there will be a lot of information available for parents as well as kick-off events welcoming students and their families back for another school year! 

Please note, as of July 12th, the District is no longer accepting requests for students to attend school outside their boundaries. We are also no longer accepting requests for early entry into kindergarten. Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1st to begin kindergarten.



Orland School District 135 uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified. More information on ParentSquare can be found under the Communications tab on the District website.



Bus stop and transportation details will be available on August 15th through the My Ride K-12 app. Please download the My Ride K-12 phone application in order to receive your child’s route information. Updates to your child’s bus route throughout the year will be communicated through the My Ride K-12 app. Directions on how to download and sign in to the app can be found on the Transportation website. Notifications regarding late buses will only be sent through this phone application during the school year. Please sign out of the app and log back in in order to refresh the route from last year's data.


Teacher Assignments/Schedules

Teacher assignments and schedules will be available in Skyward on August 12th.  Families must complete registration and prove residency in order to access teacher assignments in Skyward.  Directions on how to sign in to Skyward and view teacher assignments can be found on the District’s website. Registration information can also be found on the District’s website.