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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When will my child receive their teacher/schedule for this year?

Teacher assignments and schedules will be available on Skyward on August 12th. Families must complete registration and prove residency in order to access teacher assignments in Skyward.   Directions on how to sign in to Skyward and view teacher assignments can be found on the District’s website. 

Where do I find my child’s bus stop and pick-up/drop-off time?

Transportation details can be found within the My Ride K-12 phone application on August 15. Route information and bus stops will be released within the phone app. Communication regarding transportation will only be available within the phone app this year. Directions on how to download the phone application can be found on the District’s website. 

When is the first day of school?

The first day of school is on Wednesday, August 21st. It is a full day of school for all students.

What time does my child start school?

School hours are as follows: 
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm
3rd Grade - 5th Grade: 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
6th Grade - 8th Grade: 8:30 am - 3:15 pm

What supplies does my child need?

School supply lists can be found on the District’s website. Supplies differ from schools and grades so please check what your child needs to be successful this school year. 

What health examinations does my child need and where do I send the forms?

Illinois State law requires that prior to entering kindergarten and sixth grade, those entering school for the first time, and all students transferring from outside of the State of Illinois must present evidence of a completed physical examination and required immunizations. Students will be excluded from school if the physical exam has not been completed or if the required immunizations are not documented by October 15th. A dental examination is also mandated for students in kindergarten, second and sixth grade. Completed dental examination forms are due to your child's school by May 15th of the school year. A vision/eye examination, performed by an optometrist or physician who provides complete eye examinations, is required for all children enrolling in kindergarten and for students enrolling in Illinois schools for the first time. Forms can be sent to your child’s school nurse. For more information, view the student health website.

Can my child tour the building before the first day of school? 

Yes, during Popsicles with the Principal on August 13th! Buildings will be open for families to stop by and meet their principal, have a tasty treat and tour the building before the first day of school. Teachers will not be present but families are welcome to walk the building with students.  Junior High students will be able to practice opening their lockers during this event as well. Students must be accompanied by an adult. 

Do you offer a before/after school care program?

The STARS Program offers before and after school programs for all District 135 students. Registration will open on July 18th at 9:00 am and families can sign up and find out more information regarding STARS at the following link.

How can I be involved with my child during this school year?

All families are invited to sign up with the Parents for Education (PFE) within their child’s school. Each PFE plans activities, shares ideas, and stays connected to our school communities.  PFE is a vital organization in each school and helps provide countless activities and numerous items otherwise unavailable to our students and staff. Sign up by returning this form to your child’s school. Kindergarten through 5th grade buildings also are in need of lunch and recess supervisors. Reach out to your child’s school if you are interested. 

How will I receive information during the school year?

District 135 will be using ParentSquare to disseminate information throughout the school year. Please be sure we have your correct information in Skyward (home address, phone numbers, and email). Any changes must be made by the parent in Skyward. Information is also shared on the District’s website and social media accounts. Be sure to follow OSD135 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and download the ParentSquare app.