School Compact
To help promote school's mission and to meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind, students, parents, and teachers enter into the following compact:
As A Student I Will:
- Come to school each day believing that I can learn and will learn.
- Come to school and class on time, ready to learn, with assignments completed.
- Read each day.
- Set aside time each day to complete my homework.
- Ask appropriate questions.
- Know and follow school and class rules.
- Regularly talk to my parents and my teachers about my progress in school.
- Respect my school, classmates, teachers, and family.
As A Parent/Guardian or Family Member I Will:
- Talk to my child regularly about the value of education.
- Monitor TV viewing and technology use and make sure that my child reads every day.
- Make sure that my child attends school every day, on time, and with homework completed.
- Support School's discipline and safe school code.
- Monitor my child's progress in school.
- Make every effort to attend school events.
- Encourage my child's efforts and be available for questions.
- Respect the school, students, teachers, and families.
As Teachers We Will:
- Communicate high expectations for every student and believe all students can learn.
- Endeavor to motivate my students to learn.
- Teach and involve students in classes that are interesting and challenging.
- Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning.
- Support partnerships with families and community.
- Involve students in creating a caring learning environment in the classroom.
- Communicate with families about their child's progress in school.
- Respect the school, students, teachers and families.